Monday, February 24, 2014

What are deflections and
how do they affect a metal building?
Deflections are the engineered allowances that steel can move under stress.  For example the lower the deflection is L/180 the more the steel can move.  The higher the deflection is L/400 the less the steel will move.  Metal buildings are designed to move and flex under loads and because of this they are efficient ways to span great distances.  The more a structure can deflect the lighter the steel can be.  To achieve high deflection limits more steel is needed to strengthen flanges and webs to restrict movement.  More steel means more cost.  

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


By: David Alexander

Guest Blogger: John Negich, Vice President of Sales at Star Building Systems

When it’s time to build or expand, the first step is finding a builder that fits your needs, like we discussed in part one. Not only will they be the integral part of your entire project, they will be your guide to navigating all the details, issues, and questions that will arise during the process.

And that is where we find ourselves today. The questions.

Once you have found a builder you are comfortable with, checked their references, visited with their previous clients (see part one for a list of things to look for in a good contractor), and are ready to move forward, the next step is answering an initial set of questions that will direct your project.

To help you get started, here is a list of questions you should be prepared to discuss with your builder:

1. What do you need the building to do for you?

The builder needs to understand the usage of the building. For example, what if you need a big generator in the middle? Or a lot of storage space? Maybe you need racks or need space to move a crane and the height to lift things? Perhaps your needs will require more square footage than previously considered or less. These are all questions your builder will take into consideration when helping you plan the project. With a thorough understanding of the building’s usage, the builder can create a design with value-added ideas that could help save you money.

2. Do you have financing for the project?

Knowing what kind of financing is or is not available for the project is as important as knowing the topography of the land and the length of the building. Material cannot be purchased without funding. Also, if you have not secured funding yet, the builder may have suggestions on what financing options would be best for you to pursue.

3. Do you have equipment going into the building?

Depending on the usage and on your business, the builder will need to know if there are any special requirements, needs, or issues that will help him create a building plan that works best for everyone. The more information the builder has on the building’s usage, the better.

4. Have you considered leasing?

Not everyone needs a new building. There are lots of leasing options out there that might suit you just fine. Or, if you already have a current location, your building may only need a renovation or a retrofit for it to suit your needs. Good builders know that many customers come to them with an idea in mind that may be several years away from reality. They will sit with you and help you determine what is the best course of action, even if that means you may not be a paying customer for many years to come.

This is the reason Star Building Systems is so dedicated to partnering with the best builders in the industry. The builder is the cornerstone of any project. They guide it, shape it, and execute it. The right builder will take the client through the entire building process step-by-step, knowing it is an educational process for most people.

Check back next week for part three, the final piece of this series, to learn from a builder’s perspective why a trusted relationship between the builder and client is so necessary.

Monday, February 10, 2014

When do I hire an architect to design my building?

One of the main pitfalls of construction or any business is that sometimes people can exploit other people because they don't know what options they have.  I am a strong advocate for presenting the services FED provides along with other options so the customer can make an informed decision.  If we don't present value to our customers then I would not expect them to use our services.  The hardest part of a construction project is knowing how much it will cost and what you will receive for those costs.  With this idea there are two main ways to start a

1. Design build- is the process of working with a customer to hear their ideas and start to implement those needs into a design.  During this process the Design Builder (FED) will work with all types of sub contractors to provide design and cost that will meet your needs. The main benefit of this process is that a client can see the design and the associated cost of the project before they have large amounts of money spent in design.  A design build proposal is different than other hard bids.  Design build proposals are estimated with all possible costs included.  Even if it isn't on the drawing the contractors know they need to have a complete system for their trade that meets the needs of the customer and building code requirements. This means that you can establish the cost of the project very early on and count on it being your final cost in the end.

2. General contracting/Hard Bid- This is typically achieved by starting with an architect to  design your project.  During this process you will establish your needs and get them into a design but you don't have the ability to know the cost of the project before design is complete.  Only when the design and drawings are done can you start to receive bids for the building.  Architectural fees are typically cost plus and this can put the client at risk if the project that was designed comes in over budget.  Regardless of the project being constructed or not the architect still gets paid based on the work he performed.

Both processes have their pro's and con's.  It all depends on where you are at with your project, how much an upfront budget matters to you and the working relationship you would like to have with a contractor.

For more details on how long each of these processes take check our timelines HERE.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Check out this great article from our partner, Star Building Systems...

How to get started when it's time to build
David Alexander

Guest Blogger:
David Alexander, President of Star Building Systems

They say the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. Expanding your building or even building a new structure for your business, church, or school isn’t all that different. It feels like an elephant. Attacking it is best done in small, deliberate pieces. But what they never explain in that piece of advice is, “Where should I take the first bite?”

I have no idea when it comes to elephants. In building, however, there is one tried and true answer: you start with the builder.

There is often a misconception that the builder isn’t all that different than a snake oil salesman. Or a lawyer. Or a politician. He’s only out to get the biggest project with the highest profit margin. In reality, the right builder will be your biggest champion for a solid structure that meets your needs and your budget. They’ll be your advocate. In fact, by the time the project is over, they may end up being your best friend.

What is hard to see for clients are the details that are invisible. Things like dirt work, plumbing, slab work, concrete, foundations, all these areas must be addressed before anything is built. A client will always have the big picture in mind, which is good. The builder, however, will be their detail manager. They know what needs to happen from alpha to omega. They can support, guide, and counsel you about areas that may not have even been considered, such as the topography of the land, if you’ll need a sprinkler system, how the water will run off, and so on and so forth.

When you’re ready to start talking about building, start with the builder. And to help you find the best possible match, here are a few pointers when shopping for that builder.

Years in business
Most people worry about getting taken advantage of by a builder. That is not the case with long-term, established builders. Many of these builders are second or third-generation companies. They are not in business to take advantage of people. Be more worried about the builders who show up overnight on the internet than the builders with a 40-year established business. Their years of service speak for themselves in fairness and honesty.
Oftentimes, a builder marketing a low price per square foot may catch your attention when you’re researching online when, in reality, it may cost more. That square foot price may be a hook to simply get you in the door where they’ll slowly raise the price. You are better off looking at that builder’s projects and talking to previous customers. Were they happy? Did they get what they paid for? What was the quality of the builder’s work? This guideline will serve you far better in the long run.
A good builder will also be a good manager of their own business. To determine this, talk to their suppliers and subcontractors. How are they to work with? What is their reputation within the industry? Do they pay their bills on time? If they can manage their own business requirements, they are likely qualified to help you manage your building project.
Many builders specialize in one particular type of construction, such as agricultural, commercial, community (fire stations, churches, schools, etc.). Other builders are general and a jack-of-all-trades. Find out about that builder’s previous projects to help determine if they will best serve your needs.
In the end, the most important question to answer in getting started is, “Do I feel comfortable with this builder?” The right builder will be your partner in the project and an invaluable expert in managing all the details required.

Once you have selected the right builder, what’s the next step? Check back next week for part two of this series and find out what questions you and your builder will need to work together to answer.

Monday, February 3, 2014

What is the best time of the year to start construction?

It all depends on the area and climate your project is being built in but Michigan in particular has specific building seasons.  During the winter it is hard to work in the field because the temperatures hinder productivity and construction materials will not perform as well in cold temperatures.

Some materials, like drywall, need to be heated before they can be finished.  Because of the cost to heat the construction products extra cost is incurred and commonly called "Winter Conditions" in your proposed budget. 

An ideal timeline for construction is to work on planning and design during the winter months and start construction in the spring.  There are many reasons for this.  Material prices tend to be the cheapest during the winter months when demand is flat.  Sub Contractors are also anxious to get work for the spring so they will have aggressive pricing to secure work for the summer and fall months.

Planning your design, materials, and all forms of construction during the winter months makes for a quicker start in the spring with reduced costs.